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Tuesday, September 8, 2020





  1. Copy and paste the link into your search bar and watch the cartoon.

  1. For each scene summarize what you can see 

  1. Summarize the cartoon by using first, next and last using no more than 60 words.

  1. Copy the cartoon link and your completed page onto your blog. 

Scene One:  

At home

An exemplar

First I can see a small space and dim light. It reminds me of the burrows I have seen on tv that animals dig out as their home. I can see they are all huddled together sleeping so there is not a lot of room. The inside of the burrow is brown so it is dirt that has been dug under the ground.

Scene Two

 First activity of the day

First the meerkats wake up and go outside to each admire the fruit hanging from the tree.

`Scene Three:  

A feared enemy

A vulture swoops down and steals the meerkats fruit so they attempt to rescue it. 

Scene Four:

Enemies revenge

The vulture has took their fruit and started to fly away so the meerkats grab each other and grab onto the vultures feet.

Scene Five:

The Rescue

The meerkats get launched by the vulture but they land on the vulture in a pyramid position.

Scene Six:

Sport nirvana

The meerkats jump off of the vulture and he then crashes into a hill and drops the fruit.

Scene Seven:

The End

Lastly the meerkats celebrate by playing rugby one of them kicks it through the goal but then the fruit splats when it hits the ground and breaks.

Firstly the meerkats wake up and admire a fruit.   Secondly a vulture swoops in and steals their fruit so the meerkats attempt to rescue it.  . Lastly . the meerkats get their fruit back and they play rugby.

Tabula Rasa


Tabula Rasa

Tabula Rasa

  1. Make a copy of this document and save it into your English folder

  1. Watch the story..

  1. Write a recount of what you see and what you think has happened.  You can be the robot or the person telling the story.  

  1. Summarize the story using first, next and last using no more than 60 words.

  1. Copy the cartoon link and your completed page onto your blog. 


First It starts off with a robot on a dry alien planet that has no plant life but… the robot finds a small plant that cant grow because it doesnt have enough sunlight.


Next The robot decides he needs to save the plant so he looks for the highest mountain he can find and he climbs it but falls off.


Last In the end the robot makes it to the top but he is damaged from the fall but he lets go of the plant and he dies but gets bought back to life and  the plant grew into a big tree so he has given the planet life.

Summary in less than 60 words. 

Firstly the robot finds a plant on an alien planet.    Secondly the robot picks up the plant and carries it on top of a mountain but the robot falls off.      lastly the robot makes it to the top but he dies and gets bought back to life and the plant grows into a tree giving the planet life.

Dependent and Independent Sentence Starters

Dependent and Independent Sentence Starters

since therefore consequently

hence because due to

though unless once

while when whenever

where wherever before

after provided that

if as

Examples of Dependent and Independent clauses:

Dependent              Independent

Provided the weather stays nice,     we will go to the beach today.

Because the country is at level two,  we have to practice social   

                                                              distancing in New Zealand.

After the movie,                        I went to sleep straight away.

Worksheet: dependent and independent clauses

Task 1: Write down whether the sentences you see below are dependent or independent clauses (write in the brackets).

Task 2: Complete the complex sentences with a dependent or independent clause that’s currently missing (write in the gaps).

Task 3: Write a definition for “dependent” and “independent clause” on the bottom of this worksheet.

  1. I will tidy my room (independent), when I have finished dinner. 

  1. If it is sunny next weekend (dependent), I will go to the beach. 


  1. Since it is  bad weather, therefore we stayed home ( dependent ).    

  1. I don’t like chocolate ( independent), though my parents do. 


  1. My father works for the NZ police department (independent                   , therefore he wears a gun. 


  1. Though I feel tired, I just HATE (!ndependent), waking up early in the morning. 

Definitions: dependent and independent clauses:

Dependent - something that needs something to help it make sense.

Independent - a sentence that makes sense on its own.